Student essay contest: What difference does intelligent design make to science?
Thanks to a kind donor, we can sponsor an essay contest this summer. We’ve all heard what the effect would be of accepting design as a cause in nature alongside of law and chance: Science hurtles back...
View ArticleUncommon Descent contest List the five books that most helped ID – judged
Here’s the contest: “Uncommon Descent contest: List the five books that helped ID most – written by non-ID researchers.” It riffs off an earlier contest: “List the ten most significant ID books of the...
View ArticleUncommon Descent Contest: Give Darwinist Jerry Coyne’s atheist crusade/jihad...
(This contest is now closed for judging. Thanks to all participants.) Judged here. Crusade/jihad? No, it doesn’t properly describe this antic in a science journal (see also this). In the best...
View ArticleUncommon Descent Contest: Give Darwinist Jerry Coyne’s atheist crusade/jihad...
Gnu Atheist symbol by Aratina Cage [The winner is Jammer at 11 for The Gnusades. More below] The most recent Uncommon Descent contest was April 21: Give University of Chicago Darwinist Jerry Coyne’s...
View ArticleUncommon Descent contest: Contest offered for mendacity in journalism. But...
(No one entered this contest. – UD News) Piggybacking off this: Walter Duranty Prize for Journalistic Mendacity offered PJ Media and The New Criterion are now accepting nominations for what our readers...
View ArticleContest: If humans originated as a chimp-pig hybrid (recent claim) …
chimp vs.human chromosomes … what should we call our earliest ancestors? This just in: Dr. Eugene McCarthy is a Ph.D. geneticist who has made a career out of studying hybridization in animals. He now...
View ArticleContest: If humans originated as a chimp-pig hybrid (recent claim) — Judged
Many funny entries, including “the missing pork link” and “the Baconator.” Nut we have a winner in Brian1009 at #16, quoted here in part: according to Wikipedia on interspecific hybrid naming...
View ArticleUncommon Descent Contest: What should we call the reviewer of a book on...
Prize: A hardback copy of J. Scott Turner’s Purpose and Desire: What Makes Something Alive and Why Modern Darwinism Has Failed to Explain It Recently, a friend linked us to the fact that Amazon had...
View ArticleUncommon Descent Contest: What should we call the reviewer of a book on...
Here. Years ago, we pioneered the term noviewer, to describe people who review books without reading them. Now a friend has written to ask for a contest to come up with term to describe the reviewer...
View ArticleHow can we make low-energy concrete for the Moon or Mars — or, Earth?
The C18 rediscovery/ re-invention of concrete . . . it had apparently been made by the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians [–> earlier, the Nabataeans] (and many natural, volcanic or sedimentary rocks are...
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